What's Buzzing in SGV: Mosquito population 4 times higher than normal
Mosquito Trap Data from sgvmvcd
June 8 to 12

No, it's not the buzzing in your ear. There really are more mosquitoes!
Last week's (June 8-12) trap data shows a trend of increased mosquito activity in San Gabriel Valley.
Currently, the mosquito abundance from our surveillance traps are four times the number of mosquitoes compared to 2018 and 2019! YIKES.
This is a concern since mosquitoes collected in Hacienda Heights tested positive for carrying West Nile virus.
In Orange County, mosquito control officials confirmed they are detecting five times the average mosquitoes in their surveillance traps, compared to 2019.
What to do?
Take action now to stop mosquitoes from ruining your June fun!

TIP out stagnant water.
TOSS out unused containers that can collect stagnant water.
PROTECT yourself from mosquito bites by using repellent.
Learn more about these three simple steps to stay bite-free.