As SGV enters hot summer, mosquito populations are expected to rise
June 28 to July 4

Hey San Gabriel Valley! Thanks for tuning in to this week's edition of Short Bites Blog -- your dedication to public health is larva(ed) and appreciated. We hope your calculators are on deck; let's crunch some data!
Last week (June 28-July 4) our mosqutio trap counts displayed a slight decrease from the prior week (June 22-26). While this data looks hopeful, our Surveillance Department reports that this week's mosquito decline is likely due to lower temperatures during the days our traps were set. As we continue to enter a scorching summer, mosquito numbers are expected to rise.
Last week, mosquito populations were 69% higher than the three-year average
With that, it's important to remember that mosquitoes are here year-round; ready to chow on any human they can. We're tired of it -- are you? Let's take a stand by biting those suckers back. A quick and easy Tip, Toss, Protect should do the trick.
At SGVMVCD, we strive to provide our residents with the highest level of protection and education to fight against vectors and vector-borne diseases. From educating students to Bite Back Teams, our resources are accessible to all (expect vectors) -- Woohoo!

West Nile Virus Update: Our mosquito and bird samples have tested negative for West Nile Virus so far.