Prepare for Mosquitoes this Fall
Mosquito trap data from sgvmvcd
September 7 to 11

Grab your pumpkin spice latte and repellent-- fall is approaching! As we near our final days of summer, make no mistake about the mosquitoes' favorite season. While you're tucking away your summer wardrobe, mosquitoes are lining up for the most popular drink on their menu. Have you guessed it?-- It's you!

That's right. Even in autumn, mosquitoes don't plan on "leafing" anyone alone. So prepare yourselves ahead of time-- keep that effective repellent handy, and continue to Tip, Toss, Protect.
Mosquitoes remain active through fall and winter seasons
As West Nile virus moves through the region via female Culex mosquitoes and birds, it's more important than ever to get rid of stagnant water and check your yard for plants that attract can attract mosquitoes. Most importantly, protect yourself with one of the four ingredients that mosquitoes hate.
On the bright side, our Surveillance team determined that last week's (September 7-11) trap report displayed 43% less mosquitoes compared to 2019. We don't know about you, but our District believes that together we make quite the mosquito-fighting team!
That about wraps it up, SGV. Keep staying cool indoors, and don't let mosquitoes harvest on you this fall!

West Nile Virus Update: Numerous mosquito and bird samples in San Gabriel Valley have tested positive for West Nile Virus this year. Track activity in your community.