Mosquito Populations Will Likely Persist Through Fall
Mosquito trap data from sgvmvcd
October 12 to 16

Hello mosquito-fighting squad! Keep your repellent handy this fall, because just like us, mosquitoes are big fans of sweater weather.

Based on our October 12-16 trap report, the mosquito population remains at large throughout the San Gabriel Valley. This likely means that we'll be celebrating the upcoming holidays with an uninvited, hungry guest. But no need to freak out about setting an extra plate just yet-- this guest will be craving a tasty meal that isn't on the menu.
Mosquito populations, including Aedes, may remain active into November
What can you do to keep your home bite-free?
Rainy season is approaching - Tip stagnant water and Toss unsued containers weekly
Mosquitoes stay active year-round - Protect yourself and loved ones from vector-borne diseases by wearing repellent!
Mosquitoes are small -Maintain your rain barrels and window screens so they can't sneak through the holes and breed!
Let's make this sweater weather season a mosquito-free one. Don't forget to stay warm, and put on some added mosquito protection by wearing long sleeves and pants!
West Nile Virus Update: Numerous mosquito and bird samples in San Gabriel Valley have tested positive for West Nile Virus this year. Track activity in your community.