Cooler Weather Decreases Mosquito Numbers, But Every Month is a Mosquito Month
Mosquito trap data from sgvmvcd
November 2 t0 6

It's official, folks. Snuggle up in your coziest blanket and take a deep breath-- things are about to change around here!
Last week (November 2-6), our skilled Surveillance team reported mosquito numbers just around the three-year average. With recent trends of increasing Aedes populations throughout SoCal, we truly appreciate your stepping up to this shared responsibility in fighting mosquitoes!
Aedes populations invade new neighborhoods each year

With cooler weather on the way, historical data shows that we might experience fewer mosquitoes in the coming months. But don't get too comfy, because every month is still a mosquito month.
Your quick, easy actions such as Tip, Toss, Protect and maintaining your rain barrel makes all the difference in how mosquitoes affect our community's well being. Additionally, your efforts aid your local mosquito control district, which covers nearly two million residents here in San Gabriel Valley!
For that, we believe your commitment to a healthier neighborhood calls for some self love. So buy yourself a hot cup of your favorite holiday drink, and put on your best beanie and matching cold-weather socks. We don't know about you, but we like to practice our moquito-free methods in style!
With that-- stay safe, stay warm, and stay bite-free!

West Nile Virus Update: Numerous mosquito and bird samples in San Gabriel Valley have tested positive for West Nile Virus this year. Track activity in your community.