Don't Stuff Mosquitoes This Thanksgiving
Mosquito trap data from sgvmvcd
November 16 to 20

Hear that gobbling? It's not quite the sound of a turkey... but a hungry, harvesting mosquito!

With mosquito numbers up last week (November 16-20), we suggest getting some CDC-recommended repellent to stay safe outdoors this Thanksgiving.
Aedes mosquitoes are more prevalent throughout SoCal than ever, so it's vital to keep yourself and loved ones safe from any bites or diseases they can transmit.
So grab another serving of giblets and gravy, because we're making sure humans are the only ones getting stuffed this Thursday!
Planning on having Thanksgiving outside this year?
Here's what you can do to prepare a mosquito-free home:
Get rid of breeding grounds. Tip stagnant water and Toss out containers around your home!
Don't give them a place to rest and hide. Trim back on their beloved hedges, bushes, and ivy so that air and sunlight can flow through!
Add extra defense. Wear long sleeves, pants, and repellent!
With that, feast on some tasty treats this long holiday weekend-- and don't forget to squash out mosquitoes!

West Nile Virus Update: Numerous mosquito and bird samples in San Gabriel Valley have tested positive for West Nile Virus this year. Track activity in your community.