Bite Back Tour 2021 Recap
Season One Insights

The Bite Back Tour was developed to safely educate residents during the pandemic about mosquitoes 🦟 and the diseases they spread to people.
Just like a band, the Bite Back Program outreach team created a virtual tour of the District and hosted informational conversations targeting each of our 26 cities (and some unincorporated areas in the San Gabriel Valley).
We scheduled our tour according to data provided by our Surveillance department, starting with the cities that have the highest risk of mosquito activity. Additionally, we enhanced neighborhood support to the "high five" at-risk cities through door-to-door and Mosquito Bites Live efforts.

For those who buzzed into the Bite Back Tour, thank you for your engagement. We hope that you enjoyed meeting mosquito control staff, local leaders, and learning about which repellents work, how to apply, and how dense vegetation may bring more bites to your community. 🏡
Amy Lyford | Altadena Town Council
Ann Marie | Assemblymember Holden's office
Becky Shevlin | Monrovia Trustee
Corey Calaycay | Claremont Trustee
Denise Menchaca | San Gabriel Trustee
Dorothy Wong | Altadena Town Council
Dr. Allen Wu | Walnut Trustee
Elyse Rasmussen | La Verne Trustee
Erin Johnson | Theodore Payne Foundation
Hannah Petrie | Altadena Town Council
Harold Bissner | LA County Trustee
Jackie Doornik | Glendora Trustee
Jerry Velasco | El Monte Trustee
Jody Schulz | Duarte Council Member
Karen Davis | Glendora Mayor
Nic Arnzen | Altadena Town Council
Sandra Armenta | Rosemead Trustee
Sophia Musa | Bradbury Management Analyst
Stephen Sham | Alhambra Trustee
Tyron Hampton | Pasadena Council Member
Here are the stats for Season 1 of the Bite Back Tour:
4,080 residents watched us live on Facebook, Twitter, Youtube, and on our website 👀
18.5 hours were broadcasted 🔊
2,130 people engaged with us on social media 📱💻
With 4,080 views and an average of 151 views per tour stop, we see the same amount of participation online as we do in-person. Yay! 🎉 This data will help contribute towards innovative changes for our next season.
Season 1 of the Back Tour has come to an end. 😥 But don't worry, you can watch all our city stops on our Youtube channel. Stay tuned for details about season 2! 🙌🏽
Continued Learning: See what Pasadena Now has to say about the Bite Back Tour 😍
🖋 Written by Ally Gaspar, Outreach Assistant