Short Bites Monthly
Your digest for June 2022.

Short Bites Monthly ensures that our data as a public health agency remains transparent to the public and to people who are interested in our mission.

- 1,486 sites & 81 hours of enhanced neighborhood support has been conducted in several neighborhoods that includes door-to-door property inspections and delivery of educational material. The effort is to identify and eliminate residential sources of mosquito habitat. Our staff alerts residents to disease threats and teach them how to protect themselves.

- We made an appearance at the Fairplex and brough our SGV communities together through interactive and educational experience. Our booth theme revolved around Mosquito-Free Gardening with California Native Plants.
- We received generous help from our public health partners to educate visitors. Our exhibit taught visitors how to create environmentally-sustainable, bite-free yards that will nurture healthy communities.
Remember to book us at your next community event

Here are the stats for our 2022 L.A. County Fair exhibit:
8,238 residents visited our 4-day pop-up Mosquito-Free Gardening booth🌱
An average of 294 visitors stopped by our exhibit per hour ⌛
35,012 visitors received education during the entire LA County Fair! 🦟
See more images from our visit:

Next episode of the Bite Back Tour:
Bite-Free Families airs on June 16th at 11:00 AM
- Rock out with purpose. We will teach you and your family how to create a healthy home with less mosquito bites. We'll chat about what you can do daily to protect your loved ones (kids and pets included) from vector-borne diseases. Find the episode details here.

Our Education Specialists are ready to Train-The-Trainer! Educators will learn how to facilitate the process of our Vector Inspector Program with students and report their results to our vector control agency.
Learn more:
Scope out with our FREE Teacher Training Opportunity for middle teachers at schools in the San Gabriel Valley on Zoom & In-person lab at Cal Poly Pomona.
*** 3 upper division university credits offered
2022 Synchronous workshop:
- Wednesday, July 20 (10am - 3pm) on Zoom and
- Thursday, July 21 (9am - 4pm) Hands-on Lab
- 10,395 people were educated on mosquito-borne diseases and bite prevention in the past month at our in-person events in the San Gabriel Valley. Additionally, 17,295 people were engaged with our social media content.

- The Surveillance Department continues to focus on maintaining essential vector surveillance including mosquito trap routes, arbovirus testing, providing weekly surveillance data to the district, and maintaining the mosquito fish and mosquito colonies.
- This month, mosquito collections have followed a downward trend similar to those displayed in previous years during the same period.

Want to receive our monthly digest in an email? Sign up to get monthly email alerts 📧 through our Bite Back Program.
Communications Department Mission Statement:
Increase transparency and credibility through multi-media dialogue in order to engage and motivate internal, local, regional, statewide, and nationwide stakeholders to take action and become public health agents of change in their communities.
🖋 Written by Ally Gaspar, Outreach Assistant