Short Bites Monthly
Your digest for September 2022.

Short Bites Monthly ensures that our data as a public health agency remains transparent to the public and to people who are interested in our mission.

- Enhanced Neighborhood Support (ENS) has been conducted in several neighborhoods that includes door-to-door property inspections and delivery of educational material.

- ENS effort is to identify and eliminate residential sources of mosquito habitat. Our staff alerts residents to disease threats and teach them how to protect themselves.

- Duarte's Summer Concerts in the Park
- La Puente's Sunshine Park Community Informational Meeting
- Pomona's 2nd Saturday Art Walk
- San Dimas' Bonelli Park: Overnight Family Camping & Fishing event
- Irwindale's Santa Fe Dam: Overnight Family Camping & Fishing event
- Alhambra's Neighborhood Watch Meeting
- El Monte-Rosemead's Adult School Resource Fair
Season 2 of the Bite Back Tour is finished!
We want to thank our partners who contributed to our themed episodes this season. We couldn't have done it without you!

- Another season of the Bite Back Tour has ended and if you didn't catch all of the episodes, you can watch them on our YouTube channel or read about them on our recap blog posts.
- Each episode of this season was dedicated to a specific set of topics to help residents stay safe from mosquitoes and the diseases they spread when they bite.
- Each episode covered how to prevent mosquito bites, how to take back your community, & how to create a healthy home. Viewers also got to meet friendly mosquito control staff & special invited guests who are experts in their field.

- This month, all hands were on deck to help get our EcoHealth Vector Education programs rolling.
- Our Operation Mosquito G.R.I.D. and the Vector Inspector Program (V.I.P.) kicked off as students returned to school. These education programs are FREE and a great way to engage students in hands-on activities that promote citizen science and are NGSS-aligned.

Vector Inspector Program
- Rio Hondo Elementary
- Cherrylee Elementary
- Wright Elementary School
- Grace Miller Elementary School
Operation Mosquito G.R.I.D.
- Lone Hill Middle School
- Clifton Middle School
- Sierra Madre Middle School
- CIS Academy
- San Jose Charter Academy
- St. John the Baptist School

- The Surveillance Department continues to focus on maintaining essential vector surveillance including mosquito trap routes, arbovirus testing, providing weekly surveillance data to the district, and maintaining the mosquito fish and mosquito colonies.
- This month, arbovirus testing of mosquito pools and dead bird samples continued.
- The surveillance Department has detected West Nile virus (WNV) activity in mosquitoes. The Operations and Communications departments have responded to the areas with WNV positives with enhanced investigation and control measures.
- Residents can stay updated with WNV activity in the San Gabriel Valley through our District's press releases.

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Communications Department Mission Statement:
Increase transparency and credibility through multi-media dialogue in order to engage and motivate internal, local, regional, statewide, and nationwide stakeholders to take action and become public health agents of change in their communities.
🖋 Written by Ally Gaspar, Outreach Assistant