Short Bites Monthly
Your digest for March 2023.

Short Bites Monthly ensures that our data as a public health agency remains transparent to the public and to people who are interested in our mission.

- Due to short staffing, we are no longer accepting bookings for the month of April.
- Sometimes we can't attend every event, but you can still request a Bite Prevention Kit that includes 100 Mosquito Guides and repellent wipes.

Outreach Efforts

- Enhanced Neighborhood Support (ENS) has been conducted in several neighborhoods. This includes door-to-door property inspections, delivery of educational material, and residential alerts to disease threats.
- This month, our Technicians are preparing for the Spring swimming pool condition confirmation. This effort will commence when rain events have subsided and less rain is in the forecast.

EcoHealth Newsletter
- EcoHealth Newsletter informs you of professional development opportunities, FREE available NGSS- aligned programs, & the latest teacher resources for you to use in the classroom.
- Want to submit a question to our Education Specialists? Submit a question here and we will answer it in a future EcoHealth newsletter!
Mosquito Intelligence Academy

- In-person school visits are booking up fast, don’t miss an opportunity to bring science to your students’ doorstep.
Digital Communication
- This month, we revamped our NGSS-aligned educational game content for students.
- Below is a card piece for our Mosquito Lotería game, which allows students to learn about invasive species, like Aedes mosquitoes.
- Also this month, our Communications Specialist proudly presented on Increasing Instagram engagement at the American Mosquito Control Association conference in Reno, Nevada.
- Many important connections were made at the conference, including partnerships with NASA’s Globe Program and the CDC.

- Thanks to the Communications Department, our District is a finalist for Best Instagram Presence at this year’s Government Social Media Awards!
- Government Social Media is a national organization that works with government agencies across the nation on social media, provides support, resources, and networking opportunities.

We continue to focus on maintaining essential vector surveillance including mosquito trap routes, arbovirus testing, providing weekly data to the District, and maintaining the mosquito fish and mosquito colonies.
Data Collection

- This month, Aedes mosquitoes have been collected from 2 cities in our District.
- Aedes mosquitoes, also known as ankle biters, are not as active during the cold weather. Currently, these black-and-white striped mosquitoes are considered nuisance biters and are not spreading any diseases locally.
Before you go, check out the links we love this month …

Tackle the mosquito threat by Spring cleaning stagnant water sources before they become a problem.
Join the Theodore Payne Foundation as they explore “Elements of a Garden (water, earth, wind, fire, heart)”.
Discover your fellow pollinators with these free fact sheets. Perfect for students who are eager to learn about the biodiversity in their backyards.

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Communications Department Mission Statement:
Increase transparency and credibility through multi-media dialogue in order to engage and motivate internal, local, regional, statewide, and nationwide stakeholders to take action and become public health agents of change in their communities.
🖋 Written by Ally Gaspar, Outreach Assistant