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Short Bites Monthly

Your digest for July 2024.

Hand holding a smartphone with a mosquito image on the screen, next to "July Update" text.
Short Bites Monthly ensures that our data as a public health agency remains transparent to the public and to people who are interested in our mission.
May contain: pickup truck, transportation, truck, vehicle, person, clothing, footwear, and shoe
We continue to provide the highest level of protection from vectors and vector-borne diseases to reduce outbreaks of human diseases in San Gabriel Valley.

 Outreach Overview

News crew interviewing a uniformed man in a park, with camera and notepad ready, and a service vehicle in the background.
Image of our Communications team filming an introduction video for one of our programs. 

This month, our Bite Prevention Kits were a hit at several Concerts in the Park around our District. We also prioritized fine tuning some of our education and control operation programs to ensure public health excellence.

As a reminder, if you're spending more time outdoors or traveling during the Summer, we recommend that you wear mosquito repellent every time you're outside to avoid mosquito bites and prevent mosquito-borne diseases. 

An infographic showing July outreach statistics: Social Media, In-Person, Newsletter, and EcoHealth Reach, with corresponding engagement figures.
Image of outreach stats for the past month.

Mosquito Activity Overview

Our District’s surveillance team reports mosquito trap activity. The purpose of trapping is to monitor mosquito presence and risk of mosquito-borne disease

A line graph shows average mosquitoes per trap over weeks for different years.
Image of trap report comparing weekly average comparison from 2020-2024.

This month’s report shows that 2024 trapping (red) is recording higher abundance numbers compared to past years.

This means that the current heat wave and higher night time temperatures produced an uptick in mosquito activity. When certain traps continue to indicate higher than normal mosquito presence, we activate a mosquito control response and amplify abundance monitoring in nearby areas. 

May contain: chart, plot, map, atlas, and diagram
Image of this month's total mosquito count per trap.
May contain: animal, insect, invertebrate, and mosquito
We continue to maintain essential vector surveillance including mosquito traps for disease testing, providing weekly data to the District, and maintaining mosquito fish.
Four people working with equipment on a vehicle; one handling a hose, another supervising. They wear masks and work uniforms.
Image of  our seasonals receiving adulticide treatment training, which is used as a last resort to control disease-carrying mosquitoes.

Mosquito Species Overview

This month, we conducted mosquito, black fly, and tick trapping throughout San Gabriel Valley.

See this month’s mosquito species report below:

A pie chart showing species distribution with 'Cx quinquefasciatus' being the most at 84.36%.
This chart depicts the overall abundance of mosquitoes collected during the current reporting period. Species listed on the far right are sorted by total amount collected during this reporting period.
May contain: animal, insect, and invertebrate
We continue to provide excellent science education services and reduce mosquitoes in homes and schools within the San Gabriel Valley.

EcoHealth Highlights

This month, we held our interactive Train the Trainer professional development course, which teachers can pursue for continuting education credits through Cal Poly Pomona. The teachers who participated in the professional development will also be new to our Fall EcoHealth programs, V.I.P. and Operation Mosquito G.R.I.D.

A group of people in a meeting room with a presentation on a screen.
Image of  Train the Trainer 2024 professional development course. 

Want to stay in the loop? Sign up for our EcoHealth Newsletter and be informed of professional development opportunities, FREE available NGSS- aligned programs, & the latest teacher resources for you to use in the classroom.

Sign Up for EcoHealth Newsletter

District Resources to Share

Travel Safe: Stay Bite-Free while Abroad 

Sample Copy:

Before jetting off to your next destination, remember to take the necessary steps to ensure a mosquito bite-free vacation. #WearRepellent #StayBiteFree @SGVmosquito


Link to Travel Safe - Stay Bite-Free while Abroad 

Los Repelentes (Repellent Campaign) 

Sample Copy:

Discover the magic of wearing repellent in the San Gabriel Valley Mosquito & Vector Control District's latest music video. Look for ONE of the following active ingredients on repellent bottle labels: Oil of Lemon Eucalyptus, DEET, Picaridin, or IR3535.

#SGVmosquito #losrepelentes @SGVmosquito

May contain: computer, electronics, laptop, and pc

Communications Department Mission Statement:

Increase transparency and credibility through multi-media dialogue in order to engage and motivate internal, local, regional, statewide, and nationwide stakeholders to take action and become public health agents of change in their communities.


🖋  Written by Ally Gaspar, Outreach Assistant