Can You Visualize It? Community Science Data for Grades K - 8

Presented by Kriztian Luna Corona at the 92nd Annual Mosquito and Vector Control Association of California (MVCAC) Conference in Monterey, CA.
Community science is an excellent way to engage students in public health initiatives that support the Integrated Vector Management (IVM) process while also addressing California Next Generation Science Standards. The San Gabriel Valley Mosquito and Vector Control District’s community science programs encourage students in kindergarten through eighth grade to actively participate in mosquito control by clearing their properties of mosquito sources and submitting water samples from around their property to the District. Student samples are analyzed by Education Specialists and/or middle school students and results are posted to, an educational tool used by SGVMVCD to display results to the community. Not only does make microscopic views of students' samples accessible to children as young as five and their families, it can mobilize them into taking action against mosquitoes. Additionally, the application allows the District to export the data to track and map the presence or absence of Aedes mosquitoes.
MVCAC 2024_Can you visualize it Community science data for grades K - 8.pdfOperation Mosquito GRID Links.pdfOperation Mosquito G.R.I.D support slides.pdf
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