Who is Ada Eez? A Tale of Invasive Aedes Mosquitoes
Ada Eez: The Next Generation...coming to a yard or patio near you! Celebrate her birthday #WorldMosquitoDay on August 20th by sharing a photo of where mosquitoes can grow.

If you've been bit by aggressive black-and-white striped mosquitoes, you probably know Ada Eez (Aedes, get it?). This nefarious mosquito often bugs residents of the San Gabriel Valley Mosquito and Vector Control District and is the world’s most famous mosquito.
Ada Eez is an educational tool used to teach people about invasive Aedes mosquitoes that have adapted to our yards and patios, mostly thanks to human behavior.
Did you know that Ada has a daughter now?
That’s right, the invasive Aedes mosquitoes invaded San Gabriel Valley, laid mosquito eggs that hatched due to stagnant water, and, now, we have Ada Eez, The Next Generation.
The daughter Ada Eez is a reminder to everyone of how this type of mosquito rapidly takes over homes and can establish new generations of Aedes mosquitoes in a matter of weeks.
So if you’ve seen enough of Momma Ada, prepare yourselves for the voyages of Ada Eez and fellow Aedes mosquitoes.

Their mission: To explore strange new worlds. To seek out new sources of stagnant water and spread into new neighborhoods. To boldly go where no other invasive Aedes has gone before!
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